Sunday, November 7, 2010

GI imposition

After brutally and mysteriously injuring my knee some saturdays ago, I foolishly met a friend for dinner that very same evening day. being not in the mood for halloween festivities, i hobbled, plain-dressed down to Tracy's restaurant in the west village to enjoy a quiet meal and quality conversation, though maybe inwardly realizing things here and there were somehow going awry. my friend and i required a bathroom break in times square (which is such a ridiculous problem to have coupled with physical disability issues), thus, we were separated while looking for a public washrooms, and parted ways via text. Carelessly leaving without the required bathroom relief, i was forced to realize my mistake as I began to grow very ill on the Q train. painful worry. wouldn't you know it, I began to get very ill and was closing in on hysterics as I stumble-hobbled off the train. at this point i imagined myself shit-staining my pants or performing acts of public ludity. i began to call a friend in order to distract myself, as i did my best captain ahab impression across hoyte park. i made it to a nice spot between a wall and a tree and dropped trow. i was caught in the act by a group of gentlemen dressed up as kings for halloween. they pointed their swords at me, but continued on, having, i'm sure, seen worse or planning worse that very night. i then proceeded to spend the next 5 days in bed with the flu. it was a real blast. and i hope you enjoy this story.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

to all the attentive todd-readers

Tracy has acquired a job. She has seen 5--count them--5 celebrities who live in this West Village italian style coffee bar and restaurant, which is 5 more than I have seen. Things are on the up here, although, rumor has it, a man was shot in the barber shop next to my office. So, basically, "things" are a little out of my control. But they do appear to be rising steadily. Hopefully soon we will be out of this 1 roomer and into a actual apartment. Farewell, until my next lengthy note.

Monday, August 30, 2010

shapes and angles

Make way for the blog post of the century-

So, the reason I haven't posted since June is because I've been shopping around for other blog sites, also:

1) flexing in the mirror
a) netflix watch instantly
2) writer's block
a) road rage (on vacation in WA...tried to hold my breath for over two minutes while driving, turned red, cop pulled me over, turned purple, respectfully accepted ticket, lost ticket, got pissed...road rage.)
3) getting fat
a) Maria at health care pharmacy gives me candy a lot
b) need I remind you that I won the "love handles" award in my college house?
4) fantasy football- unfortunately this has taken about 3 hours of my time in 2010, which is well-past too much...i can't believe people get paid for being fantasy football's like getting paid for giving high fiving, at least get a part time job making burritos or something
5) burritos-
a) i could eat a burrito 5 days a week.
b) i try to cook, but fail in the motivational strategies and implementation areas of the brain
6) political intrigue/disgust/netflix watch instantly
a) who in the hell...HOW in the hell did...what the f8**...who is giving us our news?
7) girls
8) Cornell West
a) give it to me nice and easy: "you don't know sh%* about anything in America"
b) Ok, well, that sucks
9) Tracy moved to NYC.
a) will be finding new apartment
b) where should i pay too much money to not feel like I am sheltering myself from the rest of NYC?

And now, on a completely different and serious matter:

There is a debate, nation-wide, that should probably be only manhattan-wide: where to build a mosque/community center--if not too near the WTC--than hopefully far enough away from the "holy ground" where only ANYTHING ELSE IN THE WHOLE WORLD CAN BE BUILT EXCEPT A MOSQUE.

this is crazy. I will argue with anyone who thinks it should not be built there. I will jump on you , because I am fat now. Don't hesitate send me your thoughts.

Did I mention that I have a family member in nyc now. Lookout Lady Gaga, everyone hates you, and we are going to take nyc like a 98 degree humid, storm and banish you to the annex that is staten island.

Well, expect to hear from me in about 2-9 months. You can always send money to: 2363 26th st astoria, ny 11105.

Thank you, and have a wondrous evening


Monday, June 7, 2010

World Cup Premonitions

These are my predictions for the upcoming WC. Submitted it to ESPN and am waiting to here back any day now for a contract and $$.

Group A:

(France shouldn't even be in the WC, and they just lost a friendly against China...or Korea or something, but they are very talented, and Henry is really young, and Ribery looks like he's melting, but they are dank! Mexico has been kicking Messe's scrotum around the pitch lately and recently beat Italy like 20-0 in a friendly. Look for the Arsenal bench-warming future star who will probably transfer to a Spanish or Italian league team in two years, Carlos Vela, to make a mark.)
Group B

(The only people who want Argentina to win are in love with Messi, Che Guevara or are from Buenos Aires, but they are good and, along with Messi, they have a famous coach and a midfielder who goes by the name of Maxi Padriguez, so look out.)

Group C

Forgive me for not taking the US seriously, because I don't. But just in case, I'm going to pick them out team spirit. England is one of my favorites to make it to the final. If America doesn't put up a good showing against England, my confidence will cede faster than Donovan's hairline, and look for the Slovs to make it to the next round.

Group D

Germany always plays good when it matters. Trust me. I know a grip about soccer.
The Serbs will take care of the Aussies and Ghana.

Group E

The Dutch are going far on the left foot of Robin Van Persie and co. The Danes are popping off pretty hard, too.

Group F

Two thumbs way down for the existence of the Italian team.

Group G

Brazil is my pick to win it all.
Would've picked Ivory coast, but Didier "spill their blood" Drogba is hurt, so...who really cares.

Group H

Spain is crazy good. But they are short and have permanent 5 o'clock shadows, and I know a few people who are way too in love with them, but, kudos to talent.
Chile is apparently frivolously good.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


This week my goal is to get up every morning and go to the gym and then eat a decent breakfast before going to work. I'm pretty confident that I can do it, as I have been forced to rely on self-motivation more and more since moving to a new city...wait, I've almost been here 9 months...that is so weird.

I've been considering the idea of considering graduate school lately. Keeping with this theme of self-motivation, I purchased GRE study guide to, um, enhance my motivation. I looked through the math section, and got flashbacks of 10th grade trigonometry with Mrs Degenhart, where I spent most of my time competing in intense calculator races, borrowing papers/pencils and subtly trying to impress girls. Speaking of failures, I've also failed miserably at being a vegetarian for the 5th time, and apparently I no longer cook for myself except on rare occasions (find the pun). I've decided to just call myself a vegetarian-minded failure instead. And to come full circle--back to my original self-motivation thing--as you can see, I am clearly not as self-motivated as I would like, and this whole motivation thing is really bringing up some self-realization issues, and it's really getting me down. So I'm just gonna post a link to a couple videos I took on my ipod. I just discovered that I can do this, so look forward to interesting clips. *note* I will not be posting anything that is specific to my job, since it is technically a treatment program, and my clients have a right to privacy, etc.

In other news: My fantasy team is doomed, and I want to get cable specifically for the world cup.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Righteous Dopefiends

"There is health care for the wealthy in this country, and then there is health care for the poor in this country" - Dr Tucker

One of the Psychiatrists at PTH said this in one of our medical meetings a couple months back, and it's stuck with me.

Did you know that we can predict how long people with certain illnesses will live compared to other people with that very same illness and prognosis based upon the zip code that they live in?

I'd say it's about time that the commodification of health in the form of decent services and pills be debased, and our methods and way of thinking about health be expanded to acknowledge the social and economic structures that are the true pathology of our largely preventable health care crises.

When profit over people becomes the norm, it should at least be recognized as such.

People do not become dopefiends because they are bad people; they are a part of a complex system (biological and social), and they do what they do because they are basically trying to feel human. You would do the same thing. I would, too. People are not homeless by their own fault, and if you think so then YOU are homeless, just in a different way.

"Man in nature listens to the first voice; in society he listens to the second"

Be mindful of the stances of the people with whom you are aligned.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Links to my life found here!

These two links tell a little about pathways

And i've told some of you about my friends in "da hood" of east harlem, who happen to run a medicaid scam out of the first floor of our office. The good buds of mine can be read about in this article below. Obviously after so much notoriety, I may not be seeing these guys around much, in fact, the main guy's name is "Peaceful", and he said today "you not gonna see me around anymore after today. Dead-ass (that means seriously)". Who knew that it was illegal to pay people cash for dental exams and then bill medicaid for full services?

Spring is here in NYC, finally. Don't be surprised if you don't here from me in a while. I will be outside.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A convienient way to lose your soul

Thursday, February 25, 2010

take deep breath, forget it

I have mentioned this before, but I have days where I see things that are tough.amazing.hilarious.devastating, and I have to admit that these things mess with my head/gut a little. But the thing that is most difficult for me is the transition from these environments:

A crack *home*- where people are laying across broken kitchen chairs and staring through you--where your client (dopefiend/ sex offender, but beautiful and sweet) needs help with his diabetes medications (and everything else!!) and their friends begin crying "I know I'm smart, but I think I'm going crazy...can you help me?" They are vulnerable and share their lives with you, and you try to help...

Driving to find a "safe" check cashing location with a client to avoid drug dealers who are on the lookout

Yoga class, where the woman next to you is passing gas and whispering to herself and to you she says, "I'm not gonna let you kill them" (haha this one was funny)

Hugging the sober-for-4-months-wants-to-be-a-mother-and-not-a-crackhead/prostitute client because she has been sober for 4 months and she has hardly people to tell

--It messes with my head to go from this to:

downtown NYC. Hippster, fashionista, marketing bullshit. Where status wafts around like a required sensibility. I can do it somedays, but other days, I just can't handle it. Maybe I will get used to it, but I'm not really sure if I want to.

That's all on that.

You 5-6 people reading this should check out the funniest guy on earth, ricky gervais at his website

His podcasts are also really funny

My sister Tracy was also in town last week. She like NYC and wants to move here, which would be cool. She gave me ideas for decorating my house so it doesn't look so poopy.

The End

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Arsenal sucks. LOST predictions

Can I just humbly suggest that Arsenal FC are a bunch of tickwomping, hooligans who can't win a decisive match to save their own jobs.

LOST final season prediction: final epsiode morphs into a Survivor finale with the mysterious guy who never ages as the host. Locke gives up so he can eat peanut butter. Jack faints into a fire. Kate actually kills someone-- that person being Walt--she shoots him while he is dunking a basketball as he become mega-athletic and muscular. JJ Abrams makes a cameo as a native in war paint with star trek designs. I can't wait.

I'm able to post such nonsense because I have internet at my apartment now.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

and looking forward

"Six feet of land was all that he needed"

Before I am put to watch over my 6 ft of ground, i have a few ambitions

and in no particular order:

-dance on all 7 continents
-learn to play the piano
-have a piece of writing published
-hang glide over a jungleous-mountain wilderness while screaming at the top of my lungs and not holding back the tears
-laugh so hard i have to get rid of the clothes i was wearing
-make my own clothes
-be a farmer
-take a good picture
-keep talking to myself, people, animals and other inanimate objects
-read a book to my kids or someone's kids
-with nothing on my mind, in a rocking chair, on a porch, i would like to just sit

feel free to share your own ideas

Yeaer in Rearview

Looking over my 2010 shoulder, last year was a fairly interesting one. Let me give you a summary:

Dec 31-Jan 1- New Years in Seattle with friends

Two words: Family Game

Jan 4 through March 7- Lived in Urubamba, Peru

I learned a little Spanish, met a some great people, lived at 10,000ft, worked at 11,900ft. Stood out (like always) on bus rides full of Quechuan people--whose lives have been the object of my thoughts lately, and I haven't yet decided whether they should be helped by us, or if we are the ones who need help.

March 11- June 26- Spokane, WA

Living with Parents. Sleeping on couch in basement. Using hot tub often, if not more.

June 27-29- Interview in Queens, NY

(parked my truck in Queen Anne, Seattle) to JFK, NY on red eye interviewed for a job in Jamaica, Queens, slept at Motel 8 took bus to Boston, MA stayed with friends, walked the freedom trail and back to Seattle slept on bench in airport, woke up found truck and drove back to Spokane in time to watch Hoopfest

June 29-Aug 12- Spokane, WA

Relaxation. Red Lion Hotel. Looked for jobs. Parents couch. Accepted job with Pathways to Housing in East Harlem. Preparation, etc.

Aug 12-15- Spokane, Bismark, Chicago, somewhere in Connecticut, NYC

Took this route with friend, Evan who was kind enough to detour on his way to NC

Aug 15th- Sept 20th- Upper east side Manhattan- started job in East Harlem—a quick subway ride up to 125th street station- steep learning curve, crappy, small room and weird roommate offset by starting my own life, 5 blocks from central park, exploring NYC, getting lost, finding myself far from everything that I knew, but finding myself loved. Stress, stress, stress.

Sept 20- Dec 22- Astoria, Queens

moved into my own apt. Work, work, work. Fun and lots of learning. Getting to know Harlem and the Bronx. Also spent Thanksgiving in Durham, NC with friends.

Dec 23-29 Spokane, XMAS

Back to Spokane for Holidays

Dec 29- Present- NYC

As a bit of a bonus, here are some of my top memories from 2009:

#3 re-using my own toilet paper Urubamba, Peru

(I’m almost positive it was my own)

3a- Macchu Piccu with two old friends Peru

3b- Cuzco with my Peruvian brothers

#2 my interview trip to NYC…can’t believe I did that, it’s long story, but I’m giving myself a pat on the back for that one

2a after sleeping in the seattle airport, taking the train to my truck and making it halfway back to Spokane, I decided to brush my teeth because my mouth needed it. Spitting out the toothpaste at 75mph is the same as drooling down your neck, arm and seatbelt

#1 This isn’t so much a memory as a reality—the reality is that no imagination is more interesting than real life. Come work in my job and you will find out why…

1a- taking ____ to the doctor and then to a local Cuban restaurant to eat and watch america’s funniest home videos

1b the cross-dresssing, drug peddling, scam artist/dental hygenist on the first floor of my office. Get paid to get your teeth cleaned. Figure that one out!

1c- the smells, the people, the history—they are all good memories being made
