Sunday, January 17, 2010

and looking forward

"Six feet of land was all that he needed"

Before I am put to watch over my 6 ft of ground, i have a few ambitions

and in no particular order:

-dance on all 7 continents
-learn to play the piano
-have a piece of writing published
-hang glide over a jungleous-mountain wilderness while screaming at the top of my lungs and not holding back the tears
-laugh so hard i have to get rid of the clothes i was wearing
-make my own clothes
-be a farmer
-take a good picture
-keep talking to myself, people, animals and other inanimate objects
-read a book to my kids or someone's kids
-with nothing on my mind, in a rocking chair, on a porch, i would like to just sit

feel free to share your own ideas

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