Friday, April 23, 2010

Righteous Dopefiends

"There is health care for the wealthy in this country, and then there is health care for the poor in this country" - Dr Tucker

One of the Psychiatrists at PTH said this in one of our medical meetings a couple months back, and it's stuck with me.

Did you know that we can predict how long people with certain illnesses will live compared to other people with that very same illness and prognosis based upon the zip code that they live in?

I'd say it's about time that the commodification of health in the form of decent services and pills be debased, and our methods and way of thinking about health be expanded to acknowledge the social and economic structures that are the true pathology of our largely preventable health care crises.

When profit over people becomes the norm, it should at least be recognized as such.

People do not become dopefiends because they are bad people; they are a part of a complex system (biological and social), and they do what they do because they are basically trying to feel human. You would do the same thing. I would, too. People are not homeless by their own fault, and if you think so then YOU are homeless, just in a different way.

"Man in nature listens to the first voice; in society he listens to the second"

Be mindful of the stances of the people with whom you are aligned.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Links to my life found here!

These two links tell a little about pathways

And i've told some of you about my friends in "da hood" of east harlem, who happen to run a medicaid scam out of the first floor of our office. The good buds of mine can be read about in this article below. Obviously after so much notoriety, I may not be seeing these guys around much, in fact, the main guy's name is "Peaceful", and he said today "you not gonna see me around anymore after today. Dead-ass (that means seriously)". Who knew that it was illegal to pay people cash for dental exams and then bill medicaid for full services?

Spring is here in NYC, finally. Don't be surprised if you don't here from me in a while. I will be outside.
