Sunday, November 7, 2010

GI imposition

After brutally and mysteriously injuring my knee some saturdays ago, I foolishly met a friend for dinner that very same evening day. being not in the mood for halloween festivities, i hobbled, plain-dressed down to Tracy's restaurant in the west village to enjoy a quiet meal and quality conversation, though maybe inwardly realizing things here and there were somehow going awry. my friend and i required a bathroom break in times square (which is such a ridiculous problem to have coupled with physical disability issues), thus, we were separated while looking for a public washrooms, and parted ways via text. Carelessly leaving without the required bathroom relief, i was forced to realize my mistake as I began to grow very ill on the Q train. painful worry. wouldn't you know it, I began to get very ill and was closing in on hysterics as I stumble-hobbled off the train. at this point i imagined myself shit-staining my pants or performing acts of public ludity. i began to call a friend in order to distract myself, as i did my best captain ahab impression across hoyte park. i made it to a nice spot between a wall and a tree and dropped trow. i was caught in the act by a group of gentlemen dressed up as kings for halloween. they pointed their swords at me, but continued on, having, i'm sure, seen worse or planning worse that very night. i then proceeded to spend the next 5 days in bed with the flu. it was a real blast. and i hope you enjoy this story.

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